SCHOOLS, businesses and community groups in Tameside and Glossop are being invited to take part in this year's NHS Big Tea on 5 July to say thank you to NHS staff.
As part of plans to celebrate the NHS's 73rd birthday, the #NHSBigTea is a chance to come together to thank NHS staff and communities for their hard work over the last year. In 2019, the NHS Big Tea saw hundreds of events in hospitals, ambulance services, community and mental health trusts across the UK.
This year, help break the record and organise a tea, raising a mug in collective thanks at 3pm on 5 July - stopping to share heartfelt gratitude to every clinician, GP, nurse, support worker, hospital porter and paramedic who's put themselves on the line this year to keep people and their loved ones safe.
Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, hospitals in England have cared for around 400,000 seriously ill Covid patients, including more than 100,000 admitted in January alone, along with millions more besides. At the same time the NHS has rolled out the biggest vaccination programme in its history, the fastest in Europe and most precise in the world.
People can register today on the Supporters - Association of NHS Charities ( website and get access to a variety of goodies to help them plan their tea party, virtually or in person. They are also strongly urged to observe the Government's current social distancing guidelines - afternoon tea can happen with six people or two households if the event is staged indoors, and with up to 30 people if it's held outdoors.
It will be a chance for communities to come together for a national outpouring of love to thank NHS staff and each other for the huge role they have played over the last year.
Dr Asad Ali, co-chair at NHS Tameside and Glossop CCG said: "The CCG could not have achieved all it has this past year without the skill and dedication of its people and the Councils in Tameside and Derbyshire, along with the support of thousands of returners, volunteers, other keyworkers and, of course, residents who played their part by following the social distancing rules.
"The NHS's birthday is a chance to celebrate the success of the NHS Vaccination Programme – and again I want encourage everyone who is eligible to come forward for a jab. I also want to say thank you to our staff, our army of volunteers, and local communities for working so hard to deliver the extraordinary vaccination rollout.
"While marking all that the NHS has achieved, we must also remember those who have lost their lives to Covid. Not just in the NHS, although there will be particular resonance for colleagues, but all those who have been taken too soon."
NHS Big Tea's Ellie Orton, CEO of NHS Charities Together, said: "After so many months of isolation for many, The NHS Big Tea is a chance for everyone to join up with friends, family and neighbours, for communities to come together and thank NHS staff and each other for everything they have done over the past year, all while having a great time and raising vital funds to support NHS staff, volunteers and patients.
Ruth May, Chief Nursing Officer for England, said: "I am incredibly proud of our health and care staff for their extraordinary work, continuing to treat tens of thousands of patients alongside delivering the biggest and most successful vaccination programme in NHS history, in a year like no other.
"The NHS Big Tea is a great reminder that it is important to look after ourselves and I want to thank NHS Charities Together for helping everyone to take a moment to reflect."
Over the last 14 months, thanks to the amazing support of the public for the health and care sector, NHS Charities Together has been able to make a huge difference. Working with and through their member NHS charities they have made an extra £125million available for additional resources for the health and wellbeing of staff and patients.
Details on how to join the NHS Big Tea can be found at: